
When suspected malicious files are quarantined, they remain isolated to prevent your computer becoming infected.

The suspected malicious file is not deleted but instead moved from its original location to a safe place on your computer where it is unable to run as a program.

Files in quarantine are harmless and cannot infect your computer. They can therefore be quarantined indefinitely.

The default setting on virus detection is Interactive, which means input from the user is required when a virus is detected. This article describes the further configuration options available for dealing with virus detection.

When deleting a file in quarantine, make sure the file really is malicious (rather than falsely identified as malicious) and does not belong to a program. If the deleted file belongs to a program, the program may no longer run.

If a file has been falsely identified as infected, it can be restored from quarantine and used again right away.

  1. Open the Avira user interface and click Security → Quarantine.
  2. Select the desired file and Rescan, Restore or Delete.

Be sure to only restore those files you know to be harmless.

Source : Official Avira Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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