
You can customize the Home page to suit your specific needs.

You can add any number of widgets, resize them, and place them exactly where you want.

To customize the Home page:

    1. Click the  menu button and select Add new widget.
    2. Edit the new widget settings.
        1. Enter a name for the widget.
        2. Select TableDonutCircleHistogram, or Gauge as the widget type.
        3. Select the size and position for the new widget.
        4. Select the data options for the widget.

      The available options vary according to the widget type that you selected.

    3. Click Save to add the new widget.

The new widget appears on the Home page.

    1. Drag the widget to change its location and size on the Home page.

Each widget also has a set of control buttons in its top-right corner to edit, clone, or remove the widget.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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