The charts on the Protection status page provide an overview of the infection activity and protection status of wp-signup.phped devices.
The charts show the following information:
- Top computers by blocked infections: This chart shows the names of the top 10 computers that have blocked infections, as well as the total count of blocked infections. On selecting a computer name in the chart, the computer details page will open.
- Top handled infections: This chart shows the top 10 handled infections, as well as the total count of handled infections. On selecting the name of an infection, a web browser page will open displaying further details (from the F-Secure Labs: Threat Descriptions database) about the infection
- Infections handled: This timeline chart shows the count of infections handled per day, as well as the total over that time period.
- Software updates installed: This chart allows you to monitor all software updates that have been installed on the wp-signup.phped devices during the last 28 days. The chart shows the following details: the type of the installed software updates (critical security updates, important security updates, other security updates, non-security updates, and service packs); the date when the updates were installed; the number of computers on which updates were installed, and the total amount of installed software updates.
Note: You can export a report by clicking the number of the total amount of the updates installed under the Software updates installed chart. Alternatively, you can export a report on the installed software updates under Software updates by selecting > Installed software updates > Export.
- Computer protection status – This chart shows a count of devices that: have no issues that affect their security and are protected; have non-critical issues; and have critical issues.
- Latest malware definition updates on computers – This chart shows a count of devices based on when they were last updated with the latest malware definition update: Less than 7 days ago, 7 – 14 days ago and More than 14 days ago.
Note: We strongly recommend that all devices are kept regularly updated with the most recent malware definition updates to provide full protection.
All the charts provide a summary of the activity from the last 28 days. For the Top computers by blocked infections and Top handled infections charts, you can also choose to see the statistics for a specific day in that time frame.