
Follow these steps to install the product on your mobile device.

Go to http://mobile.f-secure.com/psb/devices.html to see the supported Android versions. These steps may vary slightly depending on the device and platform version that you are using.

You should receive a text message or email from your administrator asking you to install F-Secure Mobile Security. Both messages contain a link to the installation package as well as the activation code.

To install the product:

    1. Go to Settings > Security in your device and select Unknown sources.

When this setting is turned on, you can install applications outside the Android Market.

    1. Tap the download link in the text message or email that you received.

The web browser opens.

    1. Tap the download link to download the app to your device.

If more than one version of the app is available, we recommend that you download the newest version available.

If a security prompt appears, tap OK to confirm that you want to download the app.

You can see the download progress on under Notifications on your device.

    1. When the app is downloaded, open Notifications and tap the downloaded app to start the installation.

If a Complete action using dialog appears, select Package installer and tap Always.

    1. Tap Install.
    2. After the installation is complete, tap Open to start the app and activate the product.
    3. Read the license terms and tap Accept to start using the app.
    4. Tap Activate to wp-signup.php your device and activate the product.
      • If your device can receive text messages, the app automatically gets the activation code from the text message that you received.
      • If your device has WiFi capability only, enter the subscription key from the email that you received, then tap OK.
    5. In the Activate device administrator dialog, tap Activate.
    6. When the main view opens, tap Anti-Theft.
    7. Tap Enable.

Anti-Theft is now turned on, and you or your administrator can remotely lock, wipe or locate your device.

Note: If the device gets locked from the F-Secure Elements EPP portal, the only way to unlock it is by entering the last five digits of the subscription key that was used to activate the product on the device.

  1. Tap Settings.
  2. Enter a security code and choose your Anti-Theft settings.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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