
When Windows Firewall is on, its user and network rules are applied to the devices.

F-Secure Firewall profiles provide an additional security layer on top of the Windows Firewall user rules and other domain rules. The F-Secure firewall profiles or rules are not applied if Windows Firewall is off. Therefore, we recommend that you always keep firewall on.

Note: Domain rules may override these rules.

Note: If you use GPO or 3rd party firewall, in most cases you need to turn off F-Secure firewall profiles (the Apply F-Secure firewall profiles setting) to avoid conflicts. “Use Windows Firewall” should match the case-specific settings configured for the GPO or 3rd party firewall.

Important: You can turn on Allow other rules if you want to allow also those firewall rules that are not created by F-Secure. If you turn off this option, only F-Secure firewall rules are applied to the current profile. We strongly recommend that you keep this option turned on.

You have an option to use a different firewall profile for different sites. You can change the firewall profile between an office network and an outside network using customizable rules. You can do this by going to F-Secure firewall profile, selecting Automatic selection from the drop-down menu, and then adding a rule. These rules are used to automatically select a firewall profile based on the configuration.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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