
You can safely store any payment card details, such as credit and debit card details in the app on your desktop device.

To store your payment card details:

    1. Open the app and select the Vault view.
    2. Select + ADD NEW > Credit card.

The Add new page opens.

    1. Select the payment card symbol next to the Title field and choose a color and a payment card symbol for the entry, then select OK.

Depending on the symbol you choose, the app fills in the title and web address.

  1. In the Cardholder name field, enter your name as it is on the payment card.
  2. In the Credit card number field, enter your card number.
  3. In the PIN field, enter your personal identification number.
  4. In the Expiration date field, enter the expiry date of the card in format MM/YY.
  5. In the CVV (Verification number) field, enter your card’s 3-digit verification code.
  6. If desired, you can edit the default web address in the Web address field.
  7. In the Notes field, enter any additional information you may have.
  8. Select Add.

Your payment card entry has now been added to F-Secure ID PROTECTION.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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