
This topic describes what you can do if you run out of TOTAL licenses.

To get more licenses for your current F-Secure TOTAL subscription:

    1. Log in to My F-Secure with your account username and password.
    2. Select Buy more.

The shopping cart is handled by our trusted eCommerce partner cleverbridge.

    1. Under Upgrade your subscription, select the total number of devices you would like to protect. The amount left for you to pay appears on the right.

      Note: The number of licenses you have on your current subscription and the amount you have in your credit are displayed on the left.

    2. Select Next.
    3. Under Review your subscription upgrade:
      • Check the license period and the total number of devices selected; and
      • Select Buy now.

Once your payment is received, a confirmation email is sent to you, and the additional licenses are added to your My F-Secure account.

If you have any payment or order-related inquiries, contact cleverbridge Customer Support.

Note: If you only see the Renew button with the full price of the subscription and no Buy more option, this means that you have most likely used a code to activate your current subscription. The option to buy more licenses is only available to customers who have bought their subscription from the F-Secure Online Store.

If this is the case, it is possible to increase the number of licenses by renewing your subscription through My F-Secure. Once renewed, any time left on the previous subscription is added to the new subscription, and your subscription period is updated with the new expiry date. The number of licenses is also increased to match the new amount.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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