
You can schedule a time to automatically scan your device for viruses and other malicious code at regular intervals.

You can scan your device at regular intervals, for example daily, weekly or monthly. To set up a scheduled scan, follow these instructions:

  1. Browse to the Antivirus screen.
  2. On the Antivirus screen, tap Settings.
  3. Select Turn on scheduled scan to turn it on.
  4. Under Scan frequency, select how often you want to scan your device:
    • Daily – Scan the device every day.
    • Weekly – Scan the device on the selected weekday every week.
    • Monthly – Scan the device on the first day of each month.
  5. In Scan time, set the time when the scan starts. The scheduled scan starts automatically and runs on the background.

A notification message informs you each time a scheduled scan starts and ends.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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