
The following information may be determined – directly or indirectly – from knowledge of your IP address:

  • Who owns and operates the network you’re using
    Searching further the WHOIS database with your IP address can potentially reveal a range of information, including a name, phone number, and civic address.
  • The location from where you are using that device (with varying degrees of accuracy).
    This could include country, region, city, latitude/longitude, and telephone area code.
  • Find out about your online history using that IP address
    You may have used an identical IP address to share files online (peer-to-peer activities), access other websites (this could be ascertained by checking records in web server log files), or even edit a Wikipedia page (this, in turn, could reveal information about your interests or political affiliations).
  • Your email address
    If you used that same IP address to send an email.

The ability of an individual to retrieve information from your IP address will largely depend on the resources and skills available to him or her.

Source : Official Avira Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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