Adaptive Defense 360 Endpoint Protection Endpoint Protection on Aether Platform
Endpoint Protection Plus Endpoint Protection Plus on Aether Platform

Permissions requested by the Android protection

The Android protection provided by Endpoint Protection products and Adaptive Defense products requires a number of permissions on the devices to protect to work properly. These permissions vary and are requested at different times based on the Android version installed on the device.

  • Versions prior to Android 6: During install
  • Android 6 and later versions: At first run

Requested permissions and product features that use them

  • Versions prior to Android 6: The protection will request the following permissions during install:
    Permission Functionality
    Location Get the device location for the antitheft protection
    Camera Theft alerts, Snap the thief feature
    External storage/Photos, media, files Access the device’s external storage to search for malware
    Phone Monitor mobile network connections to update the protection via WiFi only or take actions when connectivity is re-established.
    Identity / Contacts Push notifications
    Draw over other apps Snap the thief
    Device and app history List of all installed apps for scanning purposes
    WiFi connection information Access the device’s WiFi connection information
    Device ID & call information Access the device ID
  • Android 6 and later versions: The protection will request the following permissions at first run:
    Permission Functionality
    Location Get the device location for the antitheft protection
    Camera Theft alerts, Snap the thief feature
    External storage/Photos, media, files Access the device’s external storage to search for malware
    Phone Monitor mobile network connections to update the protection via WiFi only or take actions when connectivity is re-established
    Identity/Contacts Push notifications
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Source : Official Panda Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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