
Set the product to scan viruses and other harmful applications at regular times.

To schedule a scan:

  1. Under Profiles, select Manual scanning > Scheduled scanning.
  2. Turn scheduled scanning on.
  3. Select how often you would like the scheduled scanning to run:
    • Daily – scan every day
    • Weekly – scan on selected days during the week
    • Monthly – scan every month
  4. Under Start scanning, select one of the options:
    • Time – select the time when the scan will start. You should select a time when you expect to not be using the computer.
    • After idle – select a period of idle time after which the scanning starts if the computer is not used.
  5. Under Other options, you can turn on or off the following options:
    • Run scanning as low priority
    • Scan only known file types (faster) – scan only those file types that are most likely to have infections, for example, executable files.
    • Scan inside compressed files (slower) – specify whether files inside compressed archives should be scanned for malware.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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