

We’ve renamed Microsoft Cloud App Security. It’s now called Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. In the coming weeks, we’ll update the screenshots and instructions here and in related pages. For more information about the change, see this announcement. To learn more about the recent renaming of Microsoft security services, see the Microsoft Ignite Security blog.

You can integrate Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps with Microsoft Sentinel (a scalable, cloud-native SIEM and SOAR) to enable centralized monitoring of alerts and discovery data. Integrating with Microsoft Sentinel allows you to better protect your cloud applications while maintaining your usual security workflow, automating security procedures, and correlating between cloud-based and on-premises events.

Benefits of using Microsoft Sentinel include:

  • Longer data retention provided by Log Analytics.
  • Out-of-the-box visualizations.
  • Use tools such as Microsoft Power BI or Microsoft Sentinel workbooks to create your own discovery data visualizations that fit your organizational needs.

Additional integration solutions include:

How to integrate

Integrating with your SIEM is accomplished in two steps:

  1. Set it up in Defender for Cloud Apps.
  2. Set it up in Microsoft Sentinel.


The option to add Microsoft Sentinel is not available if you have previously performed the integration.


To integrate with Microsoft Sentinel:

  • You must have a valid Microsoft Sentinel license
  • You must be a Global Administrator or a Security Administrator in your tenant.

Integrating with Microsoft Sentinel

  1. In the Defender for Cloud Apps portal, under the Settings cog, click Security extensions.
  2. On the SIEM agents tab, click add (+), and then choose Microsoft Sentinel.

    Screenshot showing Add SIEM integration menu.

  3. In the wizard, select the data types you want to forward to Microsoft Sentinel. You can configure the integration, as follows:
    1. Alerts: Alerts are automatically turned on once Microsoft Sentinel is enabled.
    2. Discovery logs: Use the slider to enable and disable them, by default, everything is selected, and then use the Apply to drop-down to filter which discovery logs are sent to Microsoft Sentinel.

    Screenshot showing start page of Configure Microsoft Sentinel integration.

  4. Click Next, and continue to Microsoft Sentinel to finalize the integration. For information on configuring Microsoft Sentinel, see the Microsoft Sentinel data connector for Defender for Cloud Apps.

    Screenshot showing finish page of Configure Microsoft Sentinel integration.


New discovery logs will start forwarding to Microsoft Sentinel within 15 minutes of configuring them in the Defender for Cloud Apps portal.

Alerts and discovery logs in Microsoft Sentinel

Once the integration is completed, you can view Defender for Cloud Apps alerts and discovery logs in Microsoft Sentinel.

In Microsoft Sentinel, under Logs, under Security Insights, you can find the logs for the Defender for Cloud Apps data types, as follows:

Data type Table
Discovery logs McasShadowItReporting
Alerts SecurityAlert

The following table describes each field in the McasShadowItReporting schema:

Field Type Description Examples
TenantId String Workspace ID b459b4u5-912x-46d5-9cb1-p43069212nb4
SourceSystem String Source system – static value Azure
TimeGenerated [UTC] DateTime Date of discovery data 2019-07-23T11:00:35.858Z
StreamName String Name of the specific stream Marketing Department
TotalEvents Integer Total number of events per session 122
BlockedEvents Integer Number of blocked events 0
UploadedBytes Integer Amount of uploaded data 1,514,874
TotalBytes Integer Total amount of data 4,067,785
DownloadedBytes Integer Amount of downloaded data 2,552,911
IpAddress String Source IP address
UserName String User name [email protected]
EnrichedUserName String Enriched user name with Azure AD username [email protected]
AppName String Name of cloud app Microsoft OneDrive for Business
AppId Integer Cloud app identifier 15600
AppCategory String Category of cloud app Cloud storage
AppTags String array Built-in and custom tags defined for the app [“sanctioned”]
AppScore Integer The risk score of the app in a scale 0-10, 10 being a score for a non-risky app 10
Type String Type of logs – static value McasShadowItReporting

Use Power BI with Defender for Cloud Apps data in Microsoft Sentinel

Once the integration is completed, you can also use the Defender for Cloud Apps data stored in Microsoft Sentinel in other tools.

This section describes how you can use Microsoft Power BI to easily shape and combine data to build reports and dashboards that meet the needs of your organization.

You can get started quickly by using the following steps:

  1. In Power BI, import queries from Microsoft Sentinel for Defender for Cloud Apps data. For more information, see Import Azure Monitor log data into Power BI.
  2. Install the Defender for Cloud Apps Shadow IT Discovery app and connect it to your discovery log data to view the built-in Shadow IT Discovery dashboard.


    Currently, the app is not published on Microsoft AppSource. Therefore, you may need to contact your Power BI admin for permissions to install the app.

    Screenshot showing the Shadow IT Discovery dashboard.

  3. Optionally, build custom dashboards in Power BI Desktop and tweak it to fit the visual analytics and reporting requirements of your organization.

Connect the Defender for Cloud Apps app

  1. In Power BI, click Apps, and then click on the Shadow IT Discovery app.
  2. On the Get started with your new app page, click Connect.

    Screenshot showing connect app data page.

  3. On the workspace ID page, enter your Microsoft Sentinel workspace ID as displayed in your log analytics overview page, and then click Next.

    Screenshot showing request for workspace ID.

  4. On the authentication page, specify the authentication method and privacy level, and then click Sign in.

    Screenshot showing the authentication page.

  5. After connecting your data, go to the workspace Datasets tab and click Refresh. This will update the report with your own data.

If you run into any problems, we’re here to help. To get assistance or support for your product issue, please open a support ticket.

Source : Official Microsoft Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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