

The improved Microsoft 365 Defender portal is now available. This new experience brings Defender for Endpoint, Defender for Office 365, Microsoft 365 Defender, and more into the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. Learn what’s new.

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An incident is a collection of related alerts that help describe an attack. Events from different entities in your organization are automatically aggregated by Microsoft 365 Defender. You can use the incidents API to programatically access your organization’s incidents and related alerts.

Quotas and resource allocation

You can request up to 50 calls per minute or 1500 calls per hour. Each method also has its own quotas. For more information on method-specific quotas, see the respective article for the method you want to use.

429 HTTP response code indicates that you’ve reached a quota, either by number of requests sent, or by allotted running time. The response body will include the time until the quota you reached will be reset.


The incidents API requires different kinds of permissions for each of its methods. For more information about required permissions, see the respective method’s article.


Method Return Type Description
List incidents Incident list Get a list of incidents.
Update incident Incident Update a specific incident.
Get incident Incident Get a single incident.

Request body, response, and examples

Refer to the respective method articles for more details on how to construct a request or parse a response, and for practical examples.

Common properties

Property Type Description
incidentId long Incident unique ID.
redirectIncidentId nullable long The Incident ID the current Incident was merged to.
incidentName string The name of the Incident.
createdTime DateTimeOffset The date and time (in UTC) the Incident was created.
lastUpdateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time (in UTC) the Incident was last updated.
assignedTo string Owner of the Incident.
severity Enum Severity of the Incident. Possible values are: UnSpecifiedInformationalLowMedium, and High.
status Enum Specifies the current status of the incident. Possible values are: ActiveInProgressResolved, and Redirected.
classification Enum Specification of the incident. Possible values are: UnknownFalsePositiveTruePositive.
determination Enum Specifies the determination of the incident. Possible values are: NotAvailableAptMalwareSecurityPersonnelSecurityTestingUnwantedSoftwareOther.
tags string List List of Incident tags.
comments List of incident comments Incident Comment object contains: comment string, createdBy string, and createTime date time.
alerts Alert List List of related alerts. See examples at List incidents API documentation.

Source : Official Microsoft Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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