
Please note: If you want to track the mobile device, the device should already be registered under Anti-theft services. If not click here .

You can track the devices in two ways:

1. Using the Anti-theft website.
2. SMS command.

Please follow the steps below to track the device using the Anti-theft website:

1. Login to https://www.avgmobilation.com using your AVG MyAccount.
2. Now, you can select the device which you want the information for.
3. You can use the lock, locate and wipe option through the AVG Anti-theft website.

Please follow the steps below to track the device using the SMS Command:

1. To sound an alarm – AVGshout
2. To locate the device – AVGlocate
3. To lock the device – AVGlock
4. To wipe the device – AVGwipe

For example, if your Anti-Theft password is 1234, you could borrow a friend’s phone and text “AVGlock 1234” (without quotes) to your lost phone in order to remotely lock the phone and prevent others from using it. (Note: We strongly recommend using a safer password than 1234!)

Source : Official AVGsa Website
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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