
Learn how to download Trend Micro Mobile Security on your iPhone and iPad.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the App Store.
  2. Search for Trend Micro Mobile Security.
  3. Tap Get, then tap Install.
  4. Launch the app. Tap Allow to enable the notifications, then tap Accept and Continue.
  5. Activate your subscription.
    Using your existing Trend Micro subscription

    1. Tap Already Purchased?.Already Purchased?
    2. Tap Sign into your Trend Micro Account.
    3. Sign in with your Trend Micro account.
    Using your new activation key

    1. Go to the Activation Portal to activate your new activation key.
    2. When asked, create an account or sign in with your existing Trend Micro account.
    3. Go back to your Mobile Security app, then tap Already Purchased?.Already Purchased?
    4. Tap Sign into your Trend Micro Account.
    5. Sign in with your Trend Micro account.

Source : Official Trend Micro Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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