
Important: We strongly recommend that you create an F-Secure KEY Master Password Recovery Code as soon as you have taken F-Secure KEY into use as this is the only way for you to regain your F-Secure KEY Master Password should you forget it.

To create your Master Password Recovery Code:

    1. Sign in to F-Secure KEY on your desktop device.
    2. Click Settings > Create recovery code.

The image is automatically created.

  1. Click Save to save the image.
  2. Enter your Master Password, and click OK.
  3. Select a folder where to save the recovery code image, and click Save.
  4. Go to the folder to which you saved the image, and print it out.
  5. Delete the file from your device once you’ve printed out the code.

Note: We recommend that you save the code as an image and print the file out for safekeeping, rather than store the Master Password Recovery Code in a file system or a cloud storage service.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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