
This error message is displayed when you attempt to activate your Norton product with a product key which is expired.

To activate your product you must either:

  • Find a different Norton product key
  • Renew your existing product key to add subscription time
  • Purchase a new product

Find a different Norton product key

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. In the My Subscription tab, select your Norton product.
  3. Find your product with an active subscription.
  4. Do one of the following depending on your situation:
    • If the product key is for the same product that you have already installed, use the associated product key to activate your product.
    • If the product key is for a different product than the one that is currently installed on your computer, click Download to download and install that product

Renew your existing product key to add subscription time

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. In the My Subscription tab, click the expired product that you want to renew.
  3. Click Renew Now.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your renewal purchase.
  5. Activate your product with the product key that you renewed.

    During the renewal process you may be offered new Norton products as an upgrade option. If you choose the upgrade option instead of renewing the existing product, you need to download the upgraded product at the end of your purchase. Your existing product key remains expired. For more information on downloading a new product, read Download Norton on your device.

Purchase a new product

  • To purchase a new product, go to the Norton Online Store and choose the product you want. After you complete you purchase, follow the instructions to download, install, and activate your new product. For more information on downloading a new product, read Download Norton on your device.

Source : Official Norton Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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