
Download and use HouseCall to scan your computer for malware.

Scan on your Windows PC

  1. Download HouseCall and save it to your desktop.

    Windows 64-bit

    Windows 32-bit

  2. Click Run. Wait for HouseCall to download the necessary components.Applying program updates
  3. Read and accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Next.End User License Agreement
  4. Click Scan Now.Scan Now
  5. Wait for the scan to finish. A summary of threats found on your computer and the actions taken against detected malware is displayed.


Scan on your Mac

  1. Download Housecall for Mac.

    Download HouseCall

  2. Open Housecall.dmg.
  3. Click and drag the Housecall file to the Applications folder.Drag the Housecall icon to your Applications folder
  4. Open the Housecall application.Open HouseCall from your Applications folder
  5. Click Open when a warning window appears.Housecall Warning

    Wait for Housecall to complete the initialization process.Initiating Housecall

  6. Read the End User License Agreement, then select I agree.End User License Agreement
  7. Click Scan Now and wait for the scan to finish.Click Scan now

Visit the HouseCall page for more information on this free product.

Source : Official Trend Micro Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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