
The Defender for Endpoint service is constantly being updated to include new feature enhancements and capabilities.

Learn about new features in the Defender for Endpoint preview release and be among the first to try upcoming features by turning on the preview experience.


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For more information on new capabilities that are generally available, see What’s new in Defender for Endpoint.

What you need to know

When working with features in public preview, these features:

  • May have restricted or limited functionality. For example, the feature may only apply to one platform.
  • Typically go through feature changes before they’re generally available (GA).
  • Are fully supported by Microsoft.
  • May only be available in selected geographic regions or cloud environments. For example, the feature may not exist in the government cloud.
  • Individual features in preview may have more usage and support restrictions. If so, this information is typically noted in the feature documentation.
  • The preview versions are provided with a standard support level, and can be used for production environments.

Turn on preview features

You’ll have access to upcoming features that you can provide feedback on to help improve the overall experience before features are generally available.

Turn on the preview experience setting to be among the first to try upcoming features.

  1. In the navigation pane, select Settings > Endpoints > Advanced features > Preview features.
  2. Toggle the setting between On and Off and select Save preferences.


Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? Sign up for a free trial.

Source : Official Microsoft Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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