
Use advanced hunting to find devices with vulnerabilities

Advanced hunting is a query-based threat-hunting tool that lets you explore up to 30 days of raw data. You can proactively inspect events in your network to locate threat indicators and entities. The flexible access to data enables unconstrained hunting for both known and potential threats. Learn more about advanced hunting

Schema tables

Check which devices are involved in high severity alerts

  1. Go to Hunting > Advanced hunting from the left-hand navigation pane of the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
  2. Scroll down to the TVM advanced hunting schemas to familiarize yourself with the column names.
  3. Enter the following queries:

    // Search for devices with High active alerts or Critical CVE public exploit
    let DeviceWithHighAlerts = AlertInfo
    | where Severity == "High"
    | project Timestamp, AlertId, Title, ServiceSource, Severity
    | join kind=inner (AlertEvidence | where EntityType == "Machine" | project AlertId, DeviceId, DeviceName) on AlertId
    | summarize HighSevAlerts = dcount(AlertId) by DeviceId;
    let DeviceWithCriticalCve = DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilities
    | join kind=inner(DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilitiesKB) on CveId
    | where IsExploitAvailable == 1 and CvssScore >= 7
    | summarize NumOfVulnerabilities=dcount(CveId),
    DeviceName=any(DeviceName) by DeviceId;
    | join kind=inner DeviceWithHighAlerts on DeviceId
    | project DeviceId, DeviceName, NumOfVulnerabilities, HighSevAlerts

Source : Official Microsoft Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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