Find or add users in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

Go to the Malwarebytes OneView Users screen to manage user accounts. The Users screen allows you to add, edit, and delete users, change their roles, or assign users to sites. This article explains how to find existing users and add new users. Find users By default, the list of users sorts by first name. From the sidebar, go to Settings > Users. Click the Name or Email column headings to change the sort order. If […]

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Filter endpoints in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

In the Malwarebytes OneView Endpoints page, you can use filters to drill down and select endpoints to perform actions on. Filter your endpoints with one or more of the following ways. For steps on how to take action on the filtered endpoints, see Endpoint actions in Malwarebytes OneView. At the top of the page, the quick […]

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Export endpoints in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

You can export endpoints to a spreadsheet to review the details of your selected endpoints. The endpoints table allows you to select all or a subset of columns and rows to copy the selected content. To export, follow the steps below: Log in to your OneView console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Endpoints. Check the boxes […]

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Endpoints widget in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

The Endpoints widget appears at the top of Malwarebytes OneView dashboard by default. In the widget, the banners display the amount of endpoints and sites with a particular status. Click a banner in the widget to navigate to the Endpoints page. This filters the Endpoints page with endpoints with the chosen status. The Needs Attention indicator  displays the […]

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Endpoints in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

The Endpoints page of the Malwarebytes OneView console improves efficiency and reduces time to perform actions across multiple sites. To view this page, log in to your OneView console and click Endpoints on the left side navigation pane. For different actions you can perform in the Endpoints page, see the following: Filter endpoints Endpoint actions Delete endpoints Export endpoints […]

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Endpoints by operating system widget in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

The Malwarebytes OneView Dashboard displays an overview of Malwarebytes product usage using widgets. This article describes the Endpoints by operating system widget. The Endpoints by operating system widget lists the number of endpoints by operating system across your sites. Click an endpoint to take you to a list of endpoints. Click a site to take you to that site’s Endpoints page […]

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Endpoints activity status widget in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

The Malwarebytes OneView Dashboard displays an overview of Malwarebytes product usage using widgets. This article describes the Endpoint activity status widget which shows a count of endpoints and how active they are. The Endpoints by activity widget shows: Active endpoints in the last 7 days. Endpoints that haven’t checked in for 30 days. Endpoints that haven’t checked in for over 30 days. […]

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Endpoint actions in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

Malwarebytes OneView’s Endpoints page allows you to perform actions on multiple endpoints across multiple sites. To display endpoint details, click an endpoint’s name in the endpoint column. Follow the steps below to initiate an action on an endpoint: Log in to your OneView console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Endpoints. Filter your endpoints that you want […]

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Enable two-factor authentication in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

Two-factor authentication provides extra security when accessing Malwarebytes OneView. We recommend using two-factor authentication with your account. This article describes how to enable two-factor authentication in your profile. Requirements To enable two-factor authentication you need a mobile device with a camera, such as a mobile phone or tablet. Use your mobile device to download one […]

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Edit or delete users in Malwarebytes OneView 0 (0)

Go to the Malwarebytes OneView Users screen to manage user accounts. The Users screen allows you to add, edit, and delete users, change their roles, or assign users to sites. This article explains how to edit or delete users. Edit a user From the sidebar, go to Settings > Users. In the Actions column, click the ( ⫶ ) icon. Select Edit from the drop-down menu. Make changes to any of the following: First name […]

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