
1. Kindly check whether console system has internet access.

2. Kindly check the Hostname and IP address of the console system are the same in the below registry location
  For 64 bit system:  ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeK7 ComputingK7WSConfig
For 32 bit system: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREK7 ComputingK7WSConfig

ServerIP: System IP
ServerName: Host Name

3. If not, please enter as per the current “Hostname” and “Ip address” and close the registry.

4. Restart the K7webserver (Z3) service from services and check for the update.

5. If the issue still persists, allow the K7 update URLs and port in firewall/proxy and check.




       Port: 7070, 80, 443

Note: In case of same issue or required assistance, you may raise ticket at Submit a Ticket. So our Technical Support Team can assist you to resolve your query.

Source : Official G Data Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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