
Due to the technical composition, it is common that a VPN service slows down the speed of your internet. (Responsible for this are primarily encryption and protocol.) However, this reduction should not affect your Internet activities.

If your Internet connection still experiences significant/noticeable losses, the following reasons might be the cause:

    • Wi-Fi pollution: You are in an environment where many different Wi-Fi networks or devices are operating in confined spaces.
    • Your current Internet connection (even without VPN service) does not allow a better/faster connection.
    • Your Internet Service Provider provides different quality for your connections (Due to poor routing, different speeds may result from different regions or pages).
    • The distance to your wireless router is too long.
    • A twisty floor plan of your apartment can also affect negatively your Wi-Fi connection. In case there are multiple walls between your router and you, set up the location of your router so that there are as few obstacles as possible to your connection.
    • Your device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone) or your wireless router does not allow a faster connection due to technical conditions.
    • A high load on the devices (if high utilization is already present by other products) slows down as well the logging and encryption of the VPN.

With a VPN service you change your virtual location. Depending on the distance to the connected server (or the country where the server is located) also varying connection times arise. For example, the connection from Germany to a server in the USA takes much longer, as the connection with domestic servers.

The option “Fastest Connection” automatically determines the best connection from your current location. This allows us to provide you with the best possible and available connection.

If none of these points apply to you and your internet connection is nevertheless much slower when using our VPN service, please contact our technical support.

Source : Official Avira Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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