
This topic explains what to do if you are unable to access a device in your local network with the host name when FREEDOME VPN is turned on.


When F-Secure FREEDOME VPN is turned on, it may not be possible to access a device (for example NAS boxes, network printers, smart network appliances) in your local network with its host name. However, it is possible to access the device with the IP address despite having FREEDOME VPN turned on.


To access devices that are connected to your local network with FREEDOME VPN turned on, the host names must be translated to IP addresses first so that it is understood by the networked computer. This is normally done by a DNS server.

Turning on FREEDOME VPN will result in FREEDOME VPN handling the DNS queries with its own DNS server. This is by design to prevent DNS information leaking outside the VPN tunnel.

If there are devices in the local or private network accessed by their names and not IP addresses, the computer may try to resolve the names to their IP addresses using the FREEDOME DNS server. The DNS servers for FREEDOME VPN do not naturally contain information about your home network devices therefore the host names cannot be translated into their IP addresses.

Due to this, the devices cannot be accessed with their names although they are in the local network.


Computers have the possibility to do the name-to-IP translation locally through the hosts file. The operating system checks the hosts file first before doing the DNS query, therefore this can be used to translate the local device names to their IP addresses.

  1. Click the Windows start menu, and type Notepad.
  2. Right-click on Notepad, and select Run as administrator. Enter administrator credentials if necessary.
  3. In Notepad, go to File > Open.
  4. Browse to Local Disk(C:)\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Change the Text Documents (*.txt) selection to All Files (*.*).
  5. Select the file hosts and click Open.
  6. Add your device IP address and name to the end of the file. If you have multiple devices in your local network that you need to access, each of them must be added on its own line. See below for example.
  7. Save the file by selecting File > Save.

Example to add multiple devices to the hosts file on your computer: my-nas-box my-network-printer my-smart-fridge

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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