
This topic describes what you need to do if you want to connect to your local networked devices when FREEDOME VPN is turned on.

With Windows and Mac, you can connect to your devices but you may be required to change your computer’s hosts file manually. See the related topic about unable to access devices in your local network.

  1. If you have turned on the automatic killswitch setting, you also need to set your Wi-Fi network as trusted in the following way:
    1. Open FREEDOME VPN.
    2. From the left navigation, select Settings.
    3. Under Connection & Status, select the Allow connections to other devices in trusted networks link under the killswitch setting.

      Note: If you don’t see the Allow connections to other devices in trusted networks link, make sure that you have selected the Use automatic killswitch to cut off internet connection if VPN is disrupted, and to block connections to other devices in the same network checkbox.

    4. From the Trusted networks dialog, select first your Wi-Fi network and then select Save.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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