
Browsing Protection requires browser extensions to be able to protect your web browsing, online banking and shopping, and to show you security information while you are browsing the internet.

Once you have installed the product on your computer, the product tries to install the browser extensions automatically. When you open your browser, it displays a notification about the newly installed extension and you may need to enable it.

If you miss the notification, the main view of the product shows you if the browser extension has not yet been set up. The easiest way to set up the extension for your browser is to select Set up from the notification shown on the product’s main view and follow the on-screen instructions.

However, if you don’t see the notification on the product’s main view or you have missed it, you can check if the browser extension has been installed and enabled in the following way:

  1. Open F-Secure SAFE from the Windows Start menu.
  2. On the main view, select Secure Browsing & Banking.
  3. On the Secure Browsing & Banking view, select Settings.
  4. Depending on the web browser you use, do as follows:
    • If you use Firefox, select first Install Firefox extension under Browser extensions and then select Add. The extension will be added and enabled for Firefox.
    • If you use Chrome, select first the Open Chrome Web Store link under Browser extensions. The Browsing Protection by F-Secure page opens in Chrome Web Store. If the extension has already been installed on Chrome but disabled, select the Enable this item link from the banner on top of the page. If the extension has not yet been installed, select Add to Chrome > Add extension. The extension will be added and enabled for Chrome.
    • If you use Microsoft Edge, select first the Open Edge Add-ons link under Browser extensions. The Browsing Protection by F-Secure page opens in Edge Add-ons. If the extension has already been installed on Microsoft Edge but disabled, select Turn on to enable it. If the extension has not yet been installed, then select Get > Add extension. The extension will be added and enabled for Microsoft Edge.

    Note: You may need to reinstall the extensions after upgrading the product or installing a new browser.

You can check that the browser extension is turned on by opening the following test page in your browser: https://unsafe.fstestdomain.com. If the product block page opens, the browser extension is in use.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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