
Malwarebytes Nebula offers the Endpoint Agent for Linux machines. The Downloads page in the Nebula console has instructions on setting up your repository source to point to the Malwarebytes Linux repository. Then, download and install the Endpoint Agent using standard Linux commands, apt-get/apt install or yum install.

For minimum requirements to install on Linux machines, see Minimum requirements for Malwarebytes Nebula platform.

Manually install on Linux endpoint

To manually add an endpoint to the Malwarebytes Nebula platform, download the Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent installation file and run the file from the endpoint. Each is pre-configured for your account.

Endpoints are assigned to the Default Group and use the Default Policy unless you specify a different group as a parameter.

  1. Log in to the Malwarebytes Nebula platform.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to Downloads.
  3. In the Download Endpoint Installers section, choose the distribution you are using, based on your endpoint operating system.
    • Debian-based distros
    • RPM-based distros
    • SUSE-based distros
  4. After selecting your distro, copy the text in the Download and installation field and paste the text into your Linux command line. Your Account Token is automatically populated in the field for convenience.
  5. Run the script in your Linux environment.

When the installation process completes, the Endpoint Agent wp-signup.phps and the Linux endpoint shows up in the Endpoints page of the Malwarebytes Nebula console.

To confirm your Linux server starts the endpoint agent when it boots up, run the following command:

root@linux:~# systemctl is-enabled mbdaemon


If the output reads disabled, then run the following command to enable the agent:

root@linux:~# systemctl enable mbdaemon

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/mbdaemon.service → /lib/systemd/system/mbdaemon.service

Run the following command again to confirm the agent is enabled:

root@linux:~# systemctl is-enabled mbdaemon


The online/offline indicator next to Linux endpoints is always gray whether the endpoint is online or not. You can see when the endpoint last checked in with the Nebula console under the Last seen column of the Endpoints page.

Return to the Malwarebytes Nebula platform Administrator Guide.

  • Haga clic AQUÍ para ver el manual en español.
  • Clique AQUI para o manual em Portugues.

Source : Official Malwarebytes Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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