

We’ve renamed Microsoft Cloud App Security. It’s now called Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. In the coming weeks, we’ll update the screenshots and instructions here and in related pages. For more information about the change, see this announcement. To learn more about the recent renaming of Microsoft security services, see the Microsoft Ignite Security blog.

The Activity API gives you visibility into all actions performed in your cloud apps. The data from this API can supply information regarding who logs in to which app and when, which files are being downloaded from suspicious locations, and so on.

The following lists the supported requests:


For information about how filters work, see Filters.

The following table describes the supported filters:

Filter Type Operators Description
service integer eq, neq Filter activities related to the specified service appID, for example: 11770
instance integer eq, neq Filter activities from specified instances
user.orgUnit string eq, neq, isset, isnotset Filter activities by the organization unit of the performing user
activity.eventType string eq, neq Filter activities by event type
activity.id string eq Find an activity by ID
activity.impersonated boolean eq If set to “true”, returns only impersonated events, if set to “false”, returns non-impersonated events
activity.type boolean eq If set to “true”, returns only admin events, if set to “false”, returns regular events
activity.takenAction string eq, neq Filter activities by the actions taken on them. Possible values include:

block: Blocked
proxy: Redirected to session control
BypassProxy: Bypass session control
encrypt: Encrypted
decrypt: Decrypted
verified: Verified
encryptionFailed: Encryption failed
protect: Protected
verify: Require step-up authentication
null: No action

device.type string eq, neq Filter activities by device type. Possible values include:

MOBILE: Mobile
TABLET: Tablet
OTHER: Other
null: No value

device.tags string eq, neq Filter activities by device tag IDs
userAgent.userAgent string contains, ncontains Filter activities that do or do not contain the given strings in the user agent
userAgent.tags string eq, neq Filter activities containing the specified user agent tag IDs
location.country string eq, neq, isset, isnotset Filter activities originating from the specified country/region code
location.organizations string eq, neq, isset, isnotset, contains Filter activities originating from the specified organization
ip.address string eq, startswith, doesnotstartwith, isset, isnotset, neq Filter activities originating from the given IP address
fileSelector file eq, neq Filter activities containing the specified file/folder
office365url string startswith, eq, endswith Filter activities by Office 365 URLs
fileId string eq Find a file by ID
ip.category integer eq, neq Filter activities with the specified subnet categories. Possible values include:

1: Corporate
2: Administrative
3: Risky
4: VPN
5: Cloud provider
6: Other

ip.tags string eq, neq Filter activities by IP tag IDs
text string eq, startswithsingle, text Filter activities by performing a free text search
date timestamp lte, gte, range, lte_ndays, gte_ndays Filter activities that occurred in the specified time range
policy string eq, neq, isset, isnotset Filter activities related to the specified policies
source string eq, neq Filter all activities by source type or stream ID. Example: [{ "s:stream-id", "t:source-type" }] Possible source type values include:

0: Access control
1: Session control
2: App connector
3: App connector analysis
5: Discovery

activity.alertId string eq Filter all activities relevant to an alert ID
activityObject string eq, neq Filter activities containing the specified ID
fileLabels string eq, neq Filter files containing the specified file labels (tags) IDs
created lte, gte, range, gt, lt, eq Filter activities that were created in the specified time range
entity entity pk eq, neq, isset, isnotset, startswith Filter activities by the entity who performed the activity. Example: [{ "id": "entity-id", "saas": 11161, "inst": 0 }]
user.username string eq, neq, isset, isnotset, startswith Filter activities by the user who performed the activity
user.tags string eq, neq, isset, isnotset, startswith Filter activities by tags belonging to the performing user. Requires group IDs
user.domain string eq, neq, isset, isnotset Filter activities by the performing user domain

If you run into any problems, we’re here to help. To get assistance or support for your product issue, please open a support ticket.

Source : Official Microsoft Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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