
ScenarioThe above activation error happens when you try to activate the K7 security product anywhere from Out Of India if your internet IP address is located Out Of India.

Steps to follow:

1. If you get the message “Activation Failed – Incorrect Serial Number”, check if you are trying to activate a product purchased in India, outside of India

2. If the key was purchased in India then it can be activated only in India.

3. If you are trying to activate the key within India, check the IP location from the below link. http://whatismyipaddress.com.

4. If the location shows out of India, then try activating the product with an alternate Internet connection or contact your ISP to change the location.

5. If the issue does not get resolved, kindly contact support and let us know the IP Address so that we can look into it.

Note: If the issue persists or you need any assistance, you may raise ticket at Submit a Ticket and Our Support Team will get in touch with you shortly to assist you.

Source : Official G Data Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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