If you are installing an on-site version of Elements Vulnerability Management, check that the requirements listed here are met before installation.
- Hardware:
- Minimum 4 GB RAM (recommended: 8GB)
- Minimum 2 GHz processor
- Minimum 30 GB disk space
- The following browsers are supported:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer (end of support 1st of May 2020)
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- On-site installations of Elements Vulnerability Management require the following Windows operating system: Windows Server 2012 R2 or newer (full installation, not Server Core)
- Local or Active Directory user with admin rights is required during installation
- The application is configured to use a default IIS Application Pool Identity. If you want to use another user, make sure that it has a “Log on as a batch job” policy in GPO.
Note: We recommend using English versions of the operating system for installing Elements Vulnerability Management. For example, some required IIS features may not be properly detected in localized operating system versions.
- Windows features (these can be enabled by Server Manager, using the Dism tool, or directly from the Elements Vulnerability Management installer):
- .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later (/FeatureName:NetFx4)
- .NET Core 5 – Windows Server Hosting
- IIS (Internet Information Services):
- A valid SSL certificate must be installed. Alternatively, a self-signed certificate can be generated during the installation (not recommended).
- The following IIS features must be enabled:
Description Dism FeatureName World Wide Web Services IIS-WebServer Process Model WAS-ProcessModel Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core IIS-HostableWebCore Dynamic Content Compression IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic Static Content Compression IIS-HttpCompressionStatic Default Document IIS-DefaultDocument Directory Browsing IIS-DirectoryBrowsing HTTP Redirection IIS-HttpRedirect Static Content IIS-StaticContent URL Authorization IIS-URLAuthorization Basic Authentication IIS-BasicAuthentication Windows Authentication IIS-WindowsAuthentication IP Security IIS-IPSecurity Request Filtering IIS-RequestFiltering Custom Logging IIS-CustomLogging HTTP Errors IIS-HttpErrors Logging Tools IIS-LoggingLibraries HTTP Logging IIS-HttpLogging ISAPI Extensions IIS-ISAPIExtensions ISAPI Filters IIS-ISAPIFilter IIS Management Scripts and Tools IIS-ManagementScriptingTools IIS Management Console IIS-ManagementConsole .NET Environment 3.5 WAS-NetFxEnvironment .NET Extensibility 3.5 IIS-NetFxExtensibility ASP. NET 4.5 IIS-ASPNET45 Configuration APIs WAS-ConfigurationAPI
- MS SQL database:
- MS SQL Server 2012 or higher (Express edition can be used) and a compatibility level of 110 (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/alter-database-transact-sql-compatibility-level?view=sql-server-ver15 for more information on compatibility levels)
Important: Only the English version of MS SQL Server is supported. The only supported database collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, so other language versions will not work.
- Minimum 30 GB disk space
- Database collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
- The Default Full-Text Language or LCID (Locale ID) value for the Elements Vulnerability Management database has to be set to 1033 (English)
- Elements Vulnerability Management installer requires the following database privileges:
- db_owner if Elements Vulnerability Management database exists; otherwise the sysadmin role
- securityadmin – it is always necessary to check whether the application DB user exists and has the required privileges. The installer creates the user or grants the required privileges if needed.
- A database user for an application has to have at least db_datareader and db_datawriter roles and an ALTER permission to a dbo.ScanNodeStatusEvent table. These privileges are automatically granted during the installation. The installer can also create a SQL user.
Warning: Installing Elements Vulnerability Management with Windows authentication mode selected for the application is not supported when the database server runs on another machine. The reason for this is that the application is configured with a default IIS Application Pool Identity that is a local user, not known in the remote database.
- MS SQL Server 2012 or higher (Express edition can be used) and a compatibility level of 110 (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/alter-database-transact-sql-compatibility-level?view=sql-server-ver15 for more information on compatibility levels)
There are two workarounds both of which require a running installer with the following command: Radar_Security_Center_installer.exe -ai -! “-useValues=Installer.IgnoreRemoteServerWinAuthCheck:=<[@True@]>”
Option 1: You can perform the first installation with a standard database user (no Windows authentication). After the installation you have to change the identity for IIS Application Pool named “Radar Security Center” and run the Elements Vulnerability Management update with the same installer to be able to grant privileges.
Option 2: You can perform the first installation without configuring IIS. After the installation, you have to configure the application in IIS manually and run the Elements Vulnerability Management update with the same installer to be able to grant privileges.
- Network:
- Outbound access to https://updates-api.radar.f-secure.com/, https://gateway.radar.f-secure.com/ and https://updates.radar.f-secure.com/ (Radar Update Service)
- Elements Vulnerability Management requires a connection with Radar Update Service for various reasons, such as vulnerability definitions updates, vulnerability coverage, automatic updates, scan node ordering, license renewal, and Radar Endpoint Agent support.
- If proxies are required to access the service, it must allow GET, HEAD, and POST HTTP methods
- Outbound access to https://updates-api.radar.f-secure.com/, https://gateway.radar.f-secure.com/ and https://updates.radar.f-secure.com/ (Radar Update Service)
- Other:
- SMTP server settings are required during installation (server, username, password)